The following hypothesis was investigated:

MarinTrust activities lead to improved or protected environmental parameters.’


As the MarinTrust Standard unit of certification is the marine ingredients (i.e. fishmeal and fish oil) production factory, the focus of this initial work was on the factories. In future evaluations MarinTrust intends to include the fisheries supplying whole fish to these factories. The aim is that this initial project was to provide a strong foundation for commissioning future impact reports and also demonstrate to stakeholders that we are committed to improving the MarinTrust Programme in a transparent way.

The following objectives were included in this project:

a) Identify if (and the extent to which) the MarinTrust Factory Standard is producing the desired positive intended environmental outcomes and impacts.

b) Identify to what extent is it possible to attribute observed effects to the activity or intervention of the standard system.

c) Identify what factors could have influenced the results (factors within the control of the standard system and other external factors).

d) Identify what unintended effects (positive or negative) have resulted from the activities or interventions assessed in a to c above (a list of potential unintended effects is currently included in the MarinTrust MEL system).


The full report as well as the summary report can be found in the downloads section on this page (will be added shortly). The Summary report is provided in English, Spanish, French, Thai and Vietnamese.